For years, I have been eyeing this grove of cherry blossom trees near my parents’ house and longing to photograph someone among them. I have taken photos of the blooms up close and of the setting of the trees, visualizing someone standing among them. I just knew they would look great… and would be without all the headache involved with shooting among the famed DC Cherry Blossoms!
All this studying meant I had a pretty good lock on when the trees would be at peak bloom, so this year I coerced my cousin into being my model so I could play. And I think we got some pretty awesome looking images if I do say so myself!
If you live in the Richmond area and have dreamed of taking portraits surrounded by flowering, pink trees – but haven’t wanted to make the trek to Washington, DC – now you know you can get the same look right here in town! These trees are typically in peak bloom right at the end of March/beginning of April… soon after the Bradford Pear trees have bloomed in mid-March. I’d love to take your portraits among these trees next year… contact me if interested!